Valentine – Do You Have One?- Give Them a Special Hug Today!

Remember when we were young and we passed out Valentine cards in class and everyone had to get one?  I think back on those days and how I ran home and looked over all of my cards and treasured everyone one. It didn’t matter that our parents bought them at the store and we spent…

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Has Hollywood Created Louts for Men? Or Is It Our Society?

Today’s LA Times has an interesting article in the Calendar section entitled:  The attack of the louts- Meet the new male role model.  It’s a boy!, by Neal Gabler As I was reading the article, it was clear that parts of the article  Gabler blames Hollywood for creating this “lout” reputation for men. I quote…

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A New Egypt Emerging- The People Have Won

Yesterday morning I wrote about the waiting game between the people and President of Egypt and who was going to win? The people won yesterday.  A New Egypt is Emerging today and for the next several weeks, we will see a transition for a government no longer dictated by one man. The world had a…

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Egypt Demonstrators Are Waiting Out President!

Watching Cairo seems to be the number one thing to do these days.  Did the President step down yet? Have the demonstrators given up? What a waiting game!  They are waiting for freedom.  Perhaps if many of us had been under this type of government, we would still be in the square too. When you…

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Recession Over? Are We Coming Back??

Last night I attended a Chamber Trade Show in the San Fernando Valley. From the Business Owners and people in attendance it was very clear that everyone feels that the Recession is over. People were happy.  The event was marking the 100 year Kick-off for a Chamber in the Valley and it was very well…

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Lindsey Lohan In The News Again – Felony Theft?

Don’t say it, Round Three? Yes she’s back and this time for a Felony charge of possible Grand Theft.  Now all of this is suspected, no one has proven that Ms. Lohan really took the $2,500 necklace. Today she is back in a court room by the LAX airport.  Last week I had a conference…

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Complete Your Twitter Bio – Please!

Okay, you have decided to open a Twitter Account.  You are on the setting, you put in the user name you want and now you are on the bio section.  Please complete this section.  Why? When people ask me to connect on Twitter that is the first thing I look at on Twitter is their…

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