Charlie Sheen and Publicist Part Ways

Charlie takes to the airways and does interviews that his publicist doesn’t even know about and starts making waves about suing everyone this morning, and before the day is over he and his publicist have gone their separate ways. To make matters worse, Charlie even insults his father, Martin Sheen and tells him to stay…

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New Publishing Venues Open Many Doors to Writers

LA BookWoman Day was held yesterday in Marina Del Rey, and we had some outstanding experts on our panels.  We live-streamed the conference to many around the country, and we will have it available shortly on our Women’s National Book Association LA Chapter website for a  fee, One of the most interesting realities that kept…

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Charlie Sheen Shoots His Mouth Off! 200 People Out of Work

Well Charlie Sheen was at it again yesterday. This guy just can’t keep his mouth shut.   People had stepped in this past month and  tried to help him, to give him a chance and what does he do? He calls up a radio station yesterday,  ‘The Alex Jones Show,’ and shoots his mouth off about…

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Lindsey Lohan May Go To Jail This Time?

Poor Lindsey was in court yesterday again in Los Angeles for another hearing.  The prosecutors have actually offered her a plea deal,  and the judge from what I understand told her that she might go to jail if she pleads guilty. No get out of Jail Card this time. Poor Lindsey Lohan was told that…

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Union Workers Flying From LA to Join Workers In Wisconsin

A few days ago, I posted that outsiders had entered into the Wisconsin protest and that some of the signs were offensive. Today as I’m listening to the early morning reports, I hear that Union workers from Los Angeles are now flying to Wisconsin to join Union workers in the protests. “They are taking a…

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Protest Signs in Wisconsin – Are these Teachers?

I’m in agreement that we should demonstrate for rights if we feel they are being taken away.  It is a fundamental right of our country. But the Protest signs that have appeared in Wisconsin are making me pause to say the least. Michelle Malkin’s comments and photos today make me wonder who is really protesting…

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Writer, Interrupted (via Lisa Rivero)

As a writer who also has a full-time job, I can relate to many of the items that Lisa refers to in her post. Because I work with many writers and I think this post applies to more than just writing, I wanted to share it today. Tomorrow, I will return with a new video…

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