Japan Earth Quake Unites The World

As Japan was hit with a terrible 8.9 earthquake yesterday, and Tsumani‘s hit, Hawaii braces for the waves, and the world unites over how fragile life is. My heart goes to two young Japanese women who shared our lives for a month several years ago when my daughter was in highschool in Oklahoma.  They came…

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Warner Bros Fires Charlie Sheen, The Empire Strikes Back

Well, Charlie the Empire of Warner Bros is firing back and you are out and they are laying down the lawsuit against you.  I would not want to be in your shoes right now. I have not see your latest ranting on the internet, but I have seen snippets on the news and they do…

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Spring Is Here, Time To DeClutter and Help Someone Too!

Yes, it is Spring and time to clean out your closets and give those clothes away to a great charity.  Those shoes that hurt your feet, might just fit someone else who is looking for a job and needs them for a job interview. If you have things around your house that job seekers could…

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Buy American, ABC Experiment Proves It is Cheaper

Did you see that ABC conducted an experiment with a household of goods in Texas, I believe, and they took everything out that wasn’t from America and purchased everything made in America? The interesting point was that most everything was cheaper if was made in America.  Of course it is and it is made better…

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Are We Watching The Public Display of Mental Illness?

Everyday Charlie Sheen takes to the airways and becomes more bizarre.  Are we watching the public display of mental illness?  Is this right? We have heard from the experts that he is sinking into a manic episode and yet the networks continue to put him on the airways, it seems that there is a public…

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Charlie Sheen Loses Children From His Home

Many experts predicted that Charlie wasn’t all that his hype said he was, and I guess him shooting his mouth off, convinced a judge yesterday. His, ex-wife Broke Mueller had a Temporary Restraining Order issued against him for her safety and had the children removed from his home last night. Evidently Charlie had threatened to…

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Libya Leader The Next To Go?

Moammar Gadhafi remains defiant according to CNN reports he says there are no demonstrations and “all his people love him”.  If all his people love him, why are his forces using violence on his own people to  stop the demonstrators? Gadhafi remains clueless about what is really happening in his country or he is putting…

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